Jennifer Brady, CEO, Development Without Limits

Become an amazing virtual facilitator.

If you design and facilitate learning for staff of youth-serving organizations, we're here for you.

Real learning & support for people who imagine possibilities for
professional development.

Connect with your learners--for real.

Experience professional learning that resonates with you so you can facilitate engaging, meaningful learning for others. 

Master the blended learning environment.

Translate your go-to facilitation strategies to the virtual environment. Learn and practice
strategies for in-person and virtual learning environments that include and support every learner.

Get new ideas and solutions.

Connect with a peer community of professionals who work with youth-serving organizations and schools.  Finally--you get to have a network to learn with
and learn from. 

Ready to Design & Facilitate Professional Learning?
Find your courses here!

immediate inspiration

Tips from our team

"Get people out of their chairs and use the whole space around the computer. People can leave and come back to gather supplies, or complete an icebreaker."
~Jen Brevoort, Senior Learning Facilitator
"In online facilitation we have a lot of flexibility. We can still use markers and chart paper while using video conferencing Or we can Use the whiteboard function in Zoom to capture ideas or set up a parking lot."
~Mike Jolley, Senior Learning Facilitator
I encourage new facilitators to record themselves, so they can look back, reflect and make adjustments."

~Belinda Passafaro, Senior Learning Facilitator