Featured course

Crash Course: Online Facilitation with Youth

In this course, you will learn the core strategies you need to facilitate live virtual sessions with children and youth in grades K-12.
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What you are going to learn

This is why you should take this course

You feel confident facilitating groups of students when you're in person, but now your job has changed. How do you keep children and youth connected and engaged in a virtual environment? Are you struggling to build positive relationships in the virtual space? You are definitely not alone facing these issues. After attending this one-session crash course you will:
  • Be able to accurately identify your target audience and create content exclusively for them.
  • Become a stronger leaner, and more strategic content marketer, focusing on the right audience.
  • Know how to overcome writer's block moments by following specific techniques and using relevant inspiration in the most effective and appropriate way.
  • Learn a number of content creation frameworks and be able produce effective content on a consistent regular basis.

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